Packaging Design Teacher’s Guide

Packaging Design Teacher’s Guide

We are all affected by packaging – from the mail-order item that arrived broken to the flashy packaging in stores.

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We are all affected by packaging – from the mail-order item that arrived broken to the flashy packaging in stores. With this guide, students learn about creating tessellations, evaluating material strength and performance, converting two-dimensional drawings to three dimensions, designing according to specifications, reducing waste in packaging, and more.

The Packaging Design Teacher’s Guide contains ITEEA, NCTM, NSTA, and NCTE standards addressed; teacher and student instructions for a variety of math, science, and technology activities; pretests and posttests; resource pages; and puzzles. Contains separate activities for middle school and high school students.

Equipment and materials needed to complete guide activities include the Pitsco Packaging Design – Getting Started Package; right triangle; scissors or hobby knife; colored pencils or markers; cool-melt glue gun; digital scale; masses; safety glasses; yardstick; eggs; standard classroom tools and materials; and packaging materials such as Styrofoam peanuts, newspaper, plastic grocery bags, or cotton balls. Note: This list is for all activities; individual activities don’t require all listed materials.